今天真的是累垮了.... 主持了一整個下午的活動... 回到家來為新生兒把屎把尿...
看著毛毛散落一地的毛....只好任由吸塵器轟巄巄的叫聲... 侵蝕我的腦袋..........
好不容易告了一個段落.... 鬆了口氣.... 開了電腦.... 等待幸福的來臨.....................
等著等著.... Dodo沉重的身體壓上來使得我全身成了45度角... 掛放在電腦椅上.....
直要腰椎託夢給我說他快斷了.... 我才驚醒起來換到沙發床上去........
沒想這一換.......... 毛毛 Dodo 嫩嫩.... 紛紛得爬上我身.... 和我一起墜入夢鄉....
這回.... 是我的胸口在抗議了..... 但我實在睡的太沉.... 沒空理會他哀嚎的聲音....
也真是的... 都是自找的... 妝也沒卸..... 衣服也沒換...... 攤在那裡.... 好像也沒舒服到哪裡去....
一封簡訊讓我驚醒... 回到電腦 meet my unfinished business..... to do some unfinshed business.... 沒想到.... all became never ending business........... 唉..................
我不是說我累垮了嗎?? 我幹麻凌晨四點還在這裡?
well...... i guess unfinished business is still unfished....
and the unfinished thinking is still unfinished....
i think now... i better go back to my unfinished sleep.......
and really finish it before i go to work..........
Tracy Chen .. OUT
- Apr 03 Mon 2006 05:57
Unfinished Business