
我在統一寄給大家!! 九月一日統一寄喔!!

    This Never Happen Before
     by  Paul McCartney

I'm very sure                                          我非常確定
This never happened to me before           這種感覺過去從不曾有過
I met you and now I'm sure                     遇到你之後,我更能確定
This never happened before                    這種感覺過去從不曾發生過

Now I see                                              現在我明白了
This is the way it's supposed to be          事情原本就應該是如此
I met you and now I see                          遇到你之後,一切都明白了
This is the way it should be                     事情原來就應該是這樣

This is the way it should be for lovers       對情人來說,一切應該就像這樣
They shouldn't go it alone                       注定要彼此相依不應讓彼此孤單
It's not so good when you're on your own  當你獨自一人時,一定會很孤單

So come to me                                      請你來到我身邊
Now we can be what we want to be          我們能成就彼此
I love you and now I see                          我深愛著你,而且我明白
This is the way it should be                     事情原來應該就是這樣
This is the way it should be                     事情原來應該就是這樣

    創作者 陳婧 Tracy 的頭像
    陳婧 Tracy

    ~ DJ Tracy 陳婧 ~

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