My Conversation with Joyce... So funny
JQ.. maybe its time to show up... who ever you are!!
●Tracy● some guy left msg on my blog
●Tracy● J Q, i don't know who he is...
聰咪頭 : going there
●Tracy● he siad he used to go to river road with me.. have chats and stuff
聰咪頭 說: what the....
●Tracy● i never go to river road with anyone but u
●Tracy● and he said... like he knows me so well... like my ex-honey or something
聰咪頭 說: JQ? do you know anyone's initial is JQ, seems like he knows you well...
he called u trace............
●Tracy● I do not ring any bell, only ruby calls me trace....
聰咪頭 說: maybe is your ex flings
●Tracy● if there was a fling i would at least remember ok!
聰咪頭 說: I want to know who he is.... J..... Jason, Johnson, Jerry, Jeff.....
●Tracy● no no no no .....
聰咪頭 說: Q?? anyone last name starts with Q?
●Tracy● the only two Quans I know are my teacher and his son, no way i fling-ed them
聰咪頭 說: maybe someone who you broke his heart?
●Tracy● Yes, I am a serial heart breaker
聰咪頭 說: yes.... totally
●Tracy● oh... i remember ...
聰咪頭 說: who???????
●Tracy● A Spanish guy....
Juan Quantas, who is 185cm, six packed on this stomach.. great looking
聰咪頭 說: ya right.. in your dream.... oh , I know....I remember who...
●Tracy● who???????
聰咪頭 說: He is Indian...Jahid Qemah.. who has really smelly armpits..everone runs away from
●Tracy● what the.................
聰咪頭 說: and u always hide under it..............
●Tracy● damn.... im going to sleep... and dream about my Spanish Man
聰咪頭 說: Have a sweet dream with your Jahid Qemah
●Tracy● hahahahahahaha
聰咪頭 說: hahahahahahaha
JQ whoever you are... sorry we are making fun of you....
you either don't exist or you just got the wrong girl ..........
please identify yourself.... hahaha....
and forgive me for my rudeness
- Nov 08 Wed 2006 14:20
Damn, 笑到肚子痛 JQ 請現身啦!!